Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

G F A Advanced System Ltd




 G.F.A Advanced System Ltd.

Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms: fish, molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic plants, crocodiles, alligators, turtles, and amphibians. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc. Farming also implies individual or corporate ownership of the stock being cultivated.

For statistical purposes, aquatic organisms which are harvested by an individual or corporate body which has owned them throughout their rearing period contribute to aquaculture, while aquatic organisms which are exploitable by the public as a common property resource, with or without appropriate licences, are the harvest of capture fisheries.


Grow Fish Anywhere

G.F.A Advanced System Ltd. has developed and implemented a unique patented fully closed, zero discharge intensive aquaculture system that is suitable both for fresh and sea water fish. The system is based on an extensive research done by Prof. Jaap Van Rijnof the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The system prevents environmental pollution, and can operate in any climate regardless of the availability of water resource or proximity to the sea. The system has been tested and proven on a scientific basis and is now operated commercially.

Our Unique Aquaculture Technology

Unique Aquaculture Technology

GFA unique system overcomes several limiting factors that restrain the output and effectiveness of fish farmers.

The accumulation of inorganic nitrogen and organic waste products in intensive fish culture systems is one of the major limiting factors preventing further intensification. Inorganic nitrogen (especially ammonia and nitrite) is toxic to fish and accumulates in the pond water through excretion of ammonia by the fish and by breakdown of organic solids. Most of the treatment systems used in todays aquaculture facilities are designed to facilitate the growth of nitrifying bacteria which convert ammonia to nitrate. A drawback of the ammonia removal by means of nitrification is the subsequent increase in nitrate in the culture system. High nitrate concentrations ought to be prevented since, at high concentrations, nitrate has a toxic effect of fish and might be converted to nitrite with an even higher toxicity. Daily flushing the ponds at rates of up to 25% of the total system volume is generally practiced to avoid nitrate build up.
However, such a practice often causes considerable environmental impact and is prohibited in many countries due to environmental and public health considerations. With respect to organic waste products, most aquaculture facilities are designed to mechanically remove the organic waste from the culture tank. Often, the concentrated organic waste is discharged from these facilities without post-treatment and this practice together with the discharge of nitrate-rich effluents is considered a major limitation in the development of intensive fish culture systems.
Due to the need for daily water exchange, existing intensive fish culture systems are situated in areas with an ample clean water supply. Thus, for economical reasons concerned with water supply and discharge, culture systems for marine fish (including recirculating systems) are exclusively situated in the vicinity of the sea. Marine fish farming, whether practiced in seacages or in land-based farms, is often subject to intensive public debate as the farms discharge nutrient-rich effluents in coastal waters of often heavily populated areas. Sustainable farming of marine fish is therefore a major challenge in todays aquaculture development.

Our system developed by Prof. van Rijn and G.F.A Advanced Systems is a zero-discharge system suitable for the culture of freshwater as well as marine edible and ornamental fish. No water exchange takes place and water addition is limited to compensate for evaporation losses only. The system reduces inorganic nitrogen and organic wastes from pond water by means of the induction of several microbial processes among which: (1) fermentation: the conversion of complex organic waste compound to low molecular weight organic compounds, (2) nitrification: the conversion of ammonia to nitrate and (3) denitrification: the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas and the conversion of low molecular weight organic compounds to carbon dioxide.

For more information on Denitrification

Key Advantages:
• High output- Avg. density of 70 - 100 kg of fish per m³ of water
• Maximum freshness- Within a day from farm to plate
• Zero discharge- No environmental pollution and Bio-Secure
• Produces premium fish- No antibiotics, mercury and lead free fish
• Both saltwater and fresh water
• Grow Fish Anywhere (G.F.A) - Can operate in any climate regardless of the availability of a water resource or proximity to the sea
• Non native - enable the growth of non native fish in any region


At GFA, our sustainability vision is focused on water conservation and energy savings technologies for the local market. We believe that the future of our food consumption will belong to environmentally friendly and sustainable production driven by economic sense for high quality healthy product.
The main aspect of the GFA systems is its Water Conservation and Pollution preventing. Our production system allows the production of marine fish species in 100% recycled water systems. 1 kg of grain needs 1,000 liters of water to grow to maturity. Our unique system enables us to produce 1 Kg protain (within the fish) in less than 10 liters loss due to evaporation and do not discharge any waste water or pollution in the process.
Another key aspect is Feed Practices. GFA systems that grow the fish in land based tanks, enable the improvement of feed usage. Our system allows, in comparison to sea cages (nets) and open pools, to better managment of the Food Conversion Ratio (FCR). Less food for each Kg of production means lower production costs and a real help for protecting our environment.

Contact  G.F.A Advanced System Ltd.

Feel free to contact on any question

Haofe 1, Kadima
P.O.Box 5030
T/F: 972.97406761
Mail: Info@gfa-sys.com


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