Rabu, 13 April 2016

Birds in the boxes!

This week has not been a good one but I have learnt a lot so as with all experiences I will take it all on board, learn from it and move on.But firstly let me a share a little. There is a depression issue running through the ladies in my family-my mum suffered horribly, I struggle with it and so, unfortunately, does my daughter. This week we had a mental health "crisis"which saw a rush to A&E and a frightening few hours. All is calm now but what I have picked up from people is that there are countless folk working in and around horticulture and gardening who are affected by these issues and the common denominator is that being outside with plants calms issues like these. Reconnecting with the earth you see. So to any of you out there suffering, get outside, grow something, get your hands dirty-I really hope it will help you and I would be really interested to hear from you.
So, I hear you ask, why the picture of the Blue Tit? Well not only do we have them nesting in the boxes at work but a couple of them have started to nest in my box in the garden-its the first time it has been used. And they are so beautiful that I felt the need to share. At work we also have a Mistle Thrush which sings to us every morning from one of the apple trees in the orchard. The song makes you glad to be alive!
On a planty note lots of seedlings are popping their heads through and we are deperately running around trying to make space for everything!!! All my windowsills are full as are both our greenhouses and my coldframe, so today we are taking the hardier things such as Calendula and Lunaria over to the allotment to sit for a while. And then I think it will take us about 10 minutes to refill the spaces we have made!And this week we have ordered even more seed. Oh well, well find space for it somewhere....In the mean time heres a picture that will raise the temperature on a grey day.

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