Growing global demand for energy to power economic development and growth demands the development of cost-effective technologies for a more sustainable energy economy for Europe (and world-wide) to ensure that European industry can compete successfully on the global stage.
Energy is a vital part of our daily lives in Europe and has been for centuries. But the days of secure, cheap energy are over. We are already facing the consequences of climate change, increasing import dependence and higher energy prices.
Consequently, the EU has been developing its climate and energy policy as an integrated approach that pursues the three key objectives of:
- security of supply: to better coordinate the EUs supply of and demand for energy within an international context;
- competitiveness: to ensure the competitiveness of European economies and the availability of affordable energy;
- sustainability: to combat climate change by promoting renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.
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EU primary energy requirements by fuel Source: European Energy and Transport, Trends to 2030
Click to enlarge
Import dependency of the EU (in %) Source: European Energy and Transport, Trends to 2030
These objectives have been translated into binding targets. By 2020, the EU has committed itself to:
- reducing its greenhouse-gas emissions by 20% (or even 30% in case an international agreement is reached that commits other countries in a similar way);
- increasing the share of renewable energies to 20% of total EU energy consumption;
- increasing the share of renewable energies in transport to 10%;
- improving energy efficiency by 20%.
Achieving these goals will require major breakthroughs in the research and development of new technologies. The European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) - the technology pillar of the European energy and climate policy - outlines long-term energy research priorities for the horizon of 2020 to 2050. It lays the foundations for a European policy for energy technology and establishes a framework that brings together the diverse activities in the field of energy research. For more information please visit the SET-Plan section of this website.
Biodiesel Experts in EU
NOVAOL AUSTRIA GmbH | Industriegelande West 3 A-2460 Bruck/Leitha |
OLEON | Assenedestraat 2 9940 Ertvelde | |
Bioro | Moervaartkaai 1 B-9042 Gent | |
NEOCHIM | Parc Industriel, zone A 7181 Feluy | |
Proviron Fine Chemicals nv | G.Gilliotstraat 60 - zone 2 B-2620 Hemiksem | |
FEDIOL | 168, avenue de Tervuren (bte 12) - 1st floor B - 1150 - Bruxelles |
Rapid Oil Industry Co. Ltd. | 81A, Nikola Gabrovski st. 5000 Veliko Tarnovo |
Agropodnik | Dobronin 315 588 13 Polna | |
PREOL a.s. | Lovosice, Terezinska 47 PSC 41017 |
Ambrosia Oils (1976) LTD | Larnaka Industrial Estate, P.O.Box 40433, 6304 Larnaka |
Daka Biodiesel | Bragesvej 18 DK 4100 Ringsted |
Neste Renewable Fuels Oy | P.O. Box 726 00095 NESTE OIL |
DIESTER INDUSTRIE | 12 Avenue Georges V 75008 Paris | |
INEOS Enterprises France SAS | Z.I. Baleycourt - BP 10095 F - 55103 VERDUN Cedex | |
SCA Pétrole et Dérivés | 7, Allée des Mousquetaires Parc de Tréville 91078 Bondoufle Cedex | |
France Ester | Route d’Alençon 61400 Saint Langis les Mortagne | |
Nord Ester | Rue Van Cauwenberghe Zone Industrielle de Petite-Synthe 59640 Dunkerque | |
Veolia / SARP Industries | SARP Industries 427, route du Hazay F-78520 Limay | |
Centre Ouest Céreales | B.P. 10036 86131 Jaunay-clan Cedex |
ADM HAMBURG AG | Nippoldstrasse. 117 D-21107 Hamburg | |
ADM HAMBURG AG - Werk Leer GmbH & Co. KG | Saegemuehlenstrasse. 45 D-26789 Leer (Ostfriesland) | |
ADM Soya Mainz GmbH | Dammweg 2 55130 Mainz | |
CARGILL GmbH | Ruedeckenstrasse 51 / Am Hafen D-38239 Salzgitter-Beddingen | |
VERBIO Diesel Bitterfeld GmbH & Co. KG | Areal B Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen, OT Greppin, Stickstoffstrasse D-6749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen | |
NATURAL ENERGY WEST GmbH | Industrie Strasse 34 41460 Neuss | |
PETROTEC GmbH | Fürst-von-Salm-Straße 18 46313 Borken-Burlo | |
BIOPETROL Industries AG | Baarerstrasse 53/55, CH-6304 Zug | |
EcoMotion GmbH | Brunnenstr. 138 D-44536 Lünen | |
Mannheim Bio Fuel GmbH | Inselstrasse 10 D-68169 Mannheim | |
Vesta Biofuels Brunsbüttel GmbH | Fahrstrasse 51 D-25541 Brunsbuttel | |
Rheinische Bio Ester GmbH & Co. KG | Duisburger Strasse 15/19 41460 Neuss | |
ELIN BIOFUELS S.A. | 33 Pigon Str., 145 64 Kifissia Athens | |
AGROINVEST S.A. | 9th km Thessaloniki-Thermi Thermi II Building 57001 Thessaloniki | |
GF Energy | 56 Kifisias Av. & Delfon st., 6th floor, 151 25 Marousi, Athens |
Öko-line Hungary Kft. | Városligeti fasor 47-49 H-1071 Budapest |
Green Biofuels Ireland Ltd | Wexford Farmers Co-op Blackstoops, Enniscorthy Co. Wexford |
src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_sLMw4uPiGQXgEHZnpk8LI7JrSh-dc5_1XMpZIWDn2iWj6Y5aa9Fz41rMUGiSRtcvZ1vIlJT3woLAKpZR2E1NB9sBQmkmjI_qPtGAvzjmlvvS2PAlk=s0-d" width="65"> ECO FOX S.r.L. Via Senigallia 29
I=61100 Pesaro
NOVAOL ITALY Via G: Spqdolini 5
20141 Milano
ITAL BI OIL S.r.l. Ital Bi Oil S.r.l.
Via Baione 222 - 224
70043 - Monopoli (BA)
OIL. B srl OIL.B srl
Via Sabotino, 2
24121 Bergamo
OXEM Strada Provinciale Km 2,6 - 27030
Mezzana Bigli (Pv)
Mythen Via Lanzone ,31
20123 MILANO
PFP S.p.A Via Scaglia Est 134
41126 Modena
Unione Produttori Biodiesel Via di Vigna Murata 40
00143 Roma
Expert Groups
I=61100 Pesaro
20141 Milano
Via Baione 222 - 224
70043 - Monopoli (BA)
Via Sabotino, 2
24121 Bergamo
Mezzana Bigli (Pv)
20123 MILANO
41126 Modena
Unione Produttori Biodiesel Via di Vigna Murata 40
00143 Roma
BioVenta | 66 Dzintaru Ventspils, LV-3600 |
Biovalue Holding BV | Westlob 6 NL-9979XG Eemshaven |
![]() | Croatian Center of RES | Medarska 24 10000 Zagreb |
IBEROL NUTASA | Av. Frei Miguel Contreiras, 54A - 3º 1700-213 Lisboa | |
Torrejana | Casal da Amendoeira Apartado 2 2354-908 Riachos | |
Sovena Oil Seeds Portugal | R. General Ferreira Martins 6, 8º Miraflores 1495-137 Algés | |
Prio | Strada Stelea Spatarul nr 12, Sector 3, Bucuresti | |
Expur | 45 Tudor Vladimirescu Bvd. District 5 050881 Bucharest | |
Procera Biofuels | Muncii street, No.11 Fundulea city Calarasi County, 915200 |
BIONET EUROPA | Poligon Agro-Reus Adria Gual 4 43206 Reus | |
ACCIONA Biocombustibles, S.A | Av. Ciudad de la Innovación, 5 31621 Sarriguren (Navarra) | |
Biocombustiblies | Ctra. de Valencia Km. 202 Pol. Sepes - Parcelas 145-146 16004 Cuenca | |
Green Fuel | Avda. San Francisco Javier, 24, Ed. Sevilla I 41018 Sevilla | |
Stocks Del Valles SA | Pol. Ind. El Pedregar C/. Progres, 19-21 E-08160 Montmelo Barcelona | |
Bio-Oils Energy, S.L. | C/ Almagro 2, 4º Dcha. 28010 Madrid | |
BioArag | Ctra A- 1240, Km 0,900 - 22540 Altorricon (Huesca) | |
BioNorte S.A. | Poligono de la Florida 71 33958 San Martin Del Rey Aurelio Asturias | |
APPA | Muntaner 269 08021 Barcelona |
Ecobränsle i Karlshamn AB | Västra Kajen 8B SE-374 31 Karlshamn | |
Norups Biorefinery | AB Box 109 289 21 Knislinge | |
Perstorp | Prastgatan 12 SE-252 24 Helsingborg |
Argent Energy | 5th Floor, 9 Hatton Street London NW8 8PL | |
Harvest Energy | 2 Cavendish Square London, W1G 0PU | |
Agri Energy | Northampton Road, Blisworth Northampton, NN7 3DR |
Expert Groups
Prof Thierry CHOPIN | University of New Brunswick | Canada | ||
Dr Alan CRITCHLEY | Acadian Seaplants Ltd | Canada | ||
Dr Amir NEORI Dr. Ami BEN AMOTZ | Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Ltd | Israel | ||
Mr John TRAVERS (Chief executive Ireland) | Alternative energy Resources Limited LTD (biofuels production and supply company) | Ireland | ||
Prof Klaus LUNING | Sylt Algae Farm | Germany | ||
Prof Masahiro NOTOYA | Tokyo University Marine Science and Technology International Seaweed Association | Japan | ||
Dr Paolo GUALTIERI | CNR- Istituto di Biofisica di Pisa | Italy | ||
Ms Simonetta ZARRILLI | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) | Switzerland | ||
Ms Sofia SEQUEIRA | Galp | Portugal | ||
Mr Jeff TSCHIRLEY | UN Food and Agricoltural Organisation (FAO) | Italy | ||
Mr Michael. B. LAKEMAN Mr Andrew BRAFF | Algal Biomass Organisation | USA | ||
Mr Frédéric MONOT | Institute Français du Petrol, Biotechnology and Biomass Chemistry | France | ||
Mr. Guido DEJONGH | CEN – European Committee for Standardisation (New Standardization Opportunities) | Belgium | ||
Prof. Spiros AGATHOS | Louvain University | Belgium | |
Ms. Maria BARBOSA | WURFood & BioBased | The Netherlands | |
Dr. Kate?ina BIŠOVÁ | Czech Institute of Microbiology | Czech Republic | |
Mr. Jonas DAHL | Danish Technological Institute | Denmark | |
Dr. Maeve EDWARDS | Irish Seaweed Centre | Ireland | |
Mr. Cameron EDWARDS | VESTA Biofuels Brunsbüttel | Germany | |
Prof. J