Selasa, 05 April 2016

All the food CCRES produced during the year is given to poor families.

 CCRES AQUAPONICS Cooperating Institutions

International Fish Farming Technologies provides a novel technology for the inland production of seawater fish. IFFTs innovative and environmentally friendly Closed Loop Mariculture (CLM) offers an alternative to conventional fish farming. By uncoupling from the environment and under stable rearing conditions they present the new perspective for sustainable and environmentally friendly fish farming.

Agro Ittica Lombarda S.p.A. : CALVISIUSâ Original Caviar Malossol is the registered trade mark of Agroittica Lombardas farmed White Sturgeon Caviar. Agroittica Lombarda, based in Brescia (Italy) runs the largest sturgeon farm in Europe producing 500 tonnes/year of meat and 20 tonnes/year of top quality caviar. Experienced since 1991 in farmed caviar processing, Agroittica has gained a worldwide reputation for the freshness, granulometry (min.2.8mm) flavour and hygiene of its sturgeon roe: a real Malossol with a very low salt content. This has been made possible because CALVISIUSâ is extracted from October through March thus avoiding high salting for longer preservation.

We, the Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc. , produce and sell sturgeon stocking material - Atlantic (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) and shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) for aquaculture, restocking and research. We also offer consulting and R&D services in the field of sturgeon aquaculture and ecology. We are developing the production of sturgeon meat and caviar as well as a gene bank for both those sturgeon species in Carters Point, New Brunswick, Canada.

The GoConsult is an independent consultancy involved with ship-mediated biological invasions and species introductions for aquaculture purposes since 1999. Dr. Gollasch was chairman of the ICES Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms (2001-2006). This group commented on the project to re-import sturgeons from North America to the Baltic countries and also monitors through country reports the importation of life specimens for trade and aquaculture, including sturgeons. Todays work is focussed also on the development of risk assessment and ballast water management scenarios for Europe as well as on specific efficacy tests of ballast water treatment systems.

The Holsten-Stör Fishfarm produces caviar from the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baeri, in closed recirculating systems. The caviar is sold under trademark "Baerioska".

The main objectives of the International Sturgeon Research Institute (ISRI) in Rasht (Iran) relate to conservation and sustainable use of sturgeon stocks in the Caspian Sea while also fostering regional and international cooperation to conduct sturgeon research in joint projects along the following thematic subject areas:

A) Specific Research topics:
  • Sturgeon Ecology in natural waters and under ponds conditions
  • Controlled reproduction, Sturgeon rehabilitation and restocking of sturgeon populations
  • Stock assessment and improved catch technology
  • General physiology and biochemistry of sturgeons
  • Genetics and breeding, biotechnology and population genetics of sturgeons
  • Sturgeon aquaculture
  • Ecotoxicology studies using sturgeons as target species
  • Processing technology and development of sturgeon products
  • Sturgeon pathology and disease control
B) Involvement in Regional and International Cooperation:
  • Cooperation with international organizations to conserve valuable stocks of sturgeons in the Caspian Sea and other endangered populations of sturgeon species in the world. eg. CITES ( Asia representative in Animal Committee), IUCN (Chairman of Sturgeon Specialist Group), Member of Foundation Committee and Board in WSCS
  • Exchange scientific and technical information as well as research experts with other organizations and universities
  • Conduct long term and short term training courses at different academic levels
  • Hosting international conferences on management and conservation of sturgeon stocks. (Chairman of ISS5)

The North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization (NASCO) is an international organization established under the Convention for the Conservation of Salmon in the North Atlantic Ocean which entered into force on 1 October 1983. The objective of the Organization is to contribute through consultation and cooperation to the conservation, restoration, enhancement and rational management of salmon stocks subject to the Convention taking into account the best scientific evidence available to it. The Convention applies to the salmon stocks which migrate beyond areas of fisheries jurisdiction of coastal States of the Atlantic Ocean north of 36N latitude throughout their migratory range. Contracting partners include Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Russian Federation and the United States of America. NASCO has three regional commissions. NASCO can be contacted through the Secreatariat at NASCO / 11 Rutland Square / Edinburgh, EH1 2AS / United Kingdom

CRM-Coastal Research & Management is a private association of experts in the fields of Marine Research and Environmental Consulting, Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Marine Biotechnology. CRM elaborates science-based planning and decision tools, that help to avoid ecological or economical failures. Since 1993 CRMs interdisciplinary team supplies services for coastal industries (aquaculture, harbor, shipping, tourism) and is partner in international scientfic projects. The first seaweed farm in Germany was established by CRM in order to develop new value added products for cosmetic, medical and biotechnological use.

Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. The IZW conducts integrated biological and veterinary research on wildlife. Our work is focused on the mechanisms and functions of evolutionary adaptations that ensure the survival and reproduction of individuals in free-ranging and captive populations of wildlife, and the limits that may affect the viability and persistence of such populations. For this purpose, we study the behavioural and evolutionary ecology, wildlife diseases, and reproduction of mostly larger mammals and birds. A special group around Dr. A. Ludwig studies in particular sturgeon genetics in relation to their phylogeny and distribution but also in light of trade control of caviar. The institute was recently the co-organizer of the 2nd Status Workshop on Identification of Acipenseriformes Species in Trade

Department of Ecotoxicology (Institute for Ecological Research and Technology, Technical University of Berlin. Major research areas are: Fisheries and ecological status of habitats. Effects Monitoring (freshwater and marine) and the study of detoxification processes using modern methods to assess DNA damages (Genotoxicity, Xenoestrogens, Immunosuppression, Phagocytosis). Development of modern bioanalytical systems and (on-line) monitoring systems, entire cell bio-sensors. Development and testing of cost efficient screening methods (genotoxic potential, endocrine effects and immunosuppression) in inland and coastal waters. Landscape scale ecotoxicology in respect to the Water Frame Work Directive and REACH. Risk assessment, -communication and -management in constructions and materials.

The European Aquaculture Society (EAS) is an international non-profit association that promotes contacts and disseminates information among all involved or interested in aquaculture in Europe. EAS has members in more than 60 countries and participates in various initiatives to contribute to the sutainable development of European aquaculture.

From the start DIECKMANN & HANSEN has always been and still is a caviar import/export company and has therefore global experience in this trade and its quality control. DIECKMANN & HANSEN was founded in 1869 and is the oldest existing caviar trading company worldwide.

Polar and Marine research are central themes of Global system and Environmental Science. The Alfred Wegener Institute conducts research in the Arctic, the Antarctic and at temperate latitudes. It coordinates Polar research in Germany and provides both the necessary equipment and the essential logistic back up for polar expeditions. Recent additional research themes include North Sea Research, contributions to Marine Biological Monitoring, Marine Pollution Research, Investigation of naturally occuring marine substances, marine aquaculture and technical marine developments.

The European Association of Fish Pathologists was established on 25th October 1979 in Munich, Germany. it is an interdisciplinary society, embracing all aspects of aquatic disease in fish and shellfish, in aquaculture and in wild stocks. Members come from all disciplines, biologists, microbiologists, veterinarians, fish farmers and aquaculture engineers. The objective of the EAFP is to promote the rapid exchange of experience and information on aquatic disease problems and related topics. These aims are pursued mainly through regular regional and international meetings, support for training courses in laboratory techniques and the publication of the Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists, a fully citeable journal listed in ASFA, Current Contents and Science Citation Index.

Blackwell Publishing GermanyBlackwell Verlag is the German subsidiary of the company Blackwell Publishing whose headquarters are located in Oxford, UK. At the heart of Blackwells publishing service is an organisation with international reach, publishing over 660 journals and collaborating with more than 500 learned societies. In 2002 Blackwell published over 600 books. With revenues of approximately 230 million euros, Blackwell is the largest privately owned publisher world wide.

Leibnitz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland FisheriesThe Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries is one of the principal German centres for research on limnic ecosystems, and unites hydrologists, chemists, microbiologists, fish ecologists and fish biologists. A combination of fundamental and applied research supports our long-term goal of management of aquatic ecosystems, via restoration, development and protection. Our research activities are primarily oriented to the analysis of the widespread structures and functions of freshwater ecosystems. Our subsidiary focus is the study of unique regional environments such as the Berlin river-lake system where numerous shallow lakes are interconnected by dominant rivers, and turbulence is a major influence.

Sander OzonizersErwin Sander Elektroapparatebau GmbH: Ozone Generators for Laboratory and Industry - Typical Applications: Potable Water, Waste Water, Waste Air, Bottling Industry, Sterilisation, Swimming Pools, Laboratories, Material Tests, Petro Chemistry, Bio Chemistry, Water Chemistry, Climatic Technology, Cooling Towers, Test Cases, Aquaculture, Public Aquaria, Medicine, School, University

Global Information System FishBaseFishBase is a relational database with information to cater to different professionals such as research scientists, fisheries managers, zoologists and many more. FishBase on the web contains practically all fish species known to science. FishBase was developed at the WorldFish Center in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and many other partners, and with support from the European Commission (EC). Since 2001 FishBase is supported by a consortium of seven research institutions.

Deutsche SeeDeutsche See is the market leader for fish and seafood in Germany. Pleasure oriented foods and excellent service are the core competences - and this is demonstrated to customers and partners everday. The real cornerstones lie in the international sourcing of fresh and carefully selected products, their processing in the custom built "Deutsche See" factory in Bremerhaven and the groundbreaking Quality Management. Furthermore, "Deutsche See" offers a high degree of local presence and delivery all over Germany through a network of 26 "Deutsche See" branches.

aquafutureaquaFUTURE e.K. - Aquaculture Equipment, Consulting, Fishfarming, Recirculated Systems

Vancouver Island UniversityVancouver Island University  Known as a centre of excellence for teaching and learning, Vancouver Island University (VIU) is producing high calibre graduates who are in demand by employers across the country and around the world. Through its ongoing evolution and growth, VIU is proud to have contributed to the development of Vancouver Island and British Columbias culture, economy and knowledge base. VIU, formerly Malaspina University-College, has evolved from a small community college to a dynamic, internationally known university supporting a student population in excess of 18,000 full-and part-time learners and employing over 2,000 faculty and staff.

Society to Save the Sturgeon e.V.Founded in 1994, the Society to Save the Sturgeon is engaged in the restoration of the European sturgeon Acipenser sturio. Scientists, fishfarmers und nature conservationists work closely together in this ambitious project, supported by international experts and organisations, aming at the reintroduction of the species in the mayor German rivers. Accompanied by international cooperations, these stocks should be expended to neighboring areas. On our homepage, we want to give experts and interessted layman some insights to the project and the sturgeon - its biology and its way of life.

Freshwater Fisheries Society of BCThe Freshwater Fisheries Society of B.C. (FFSBC) is a non-profit society that delivers all of the services formerly provided the by Provincial Governments Fish Culture Section (Provincial Hatcheries). The society works in partnership with the province to deliver the provincial fish stocking program as well as providing conservation fish culture services that support steelhead and sturgeon recovery programs. The Freshwater Fisheries Society is also responsible for the promotion and marketing of freshwater fishing in the province. One of the main objectives is to offer anglers the most comprehensive website for lake and stream sports fishing information in British Columbia.

fishartgalleryTeom Lim is an award winning carver with a unique perspective. He is an artist, avid fisherman and fisheries biologist rolled up in one. His meticulous attention to detail and university background produces carvings that are beautiful and anatomically correct. These attributes coupled with his love for fishing have enabled Teom to create pieces of art that capture a moment in nature.

Sturgeon AquaFarmsSturgeon AquaFarms, LLC (SAF) is a company that is dedicated to restoring the worlds resources of sturgeon. The company was established in order to start an aquaculture operation in Florida, USA that would farm various sturgeon species for commercial production of sturgeon meat and caviar - beluga, osetra, sevruga.
Sturgeon AquaFarms, LLC. was established in order to farm sturgeon species Huso huso, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Acipenser stellatus, Acipenser baerii, and Acipenser ruthenus. The company has been researching this proposal for the past seven years. During that time we have negotiated with the United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Aquaculture, Food & Drug Administration, Conservation Commission, Department of Fisheries, Water Management organization and Aquatic Services. We have corresponded with these agencies in an attempt to successfully fulfill all requirements for our proposal.

AquaBioTech GroupAquaBioTech Group is a leading independent aquaculture, fisheries and environmental consulting, development, testing, research and training company operating throughout the world.

ABT Aquaculture is a leading aquaculture consulting and technical support company that forms part of the AquaBioTech Group. The company has grown to become one of the largest dedicated independent aquaculture consulting company`s operating on a truely global scale. With clients and projects in over twenty-nine (29) countries and a team of over twenty-five (25) highly qualified and experienced staff and personnel, the company draws on a wealth of experience and expertise covering all aspects of aquaculture planning, feasibility, development and operation.

ZwyerCaviar LLCZwyerCaviar LLC is an family owned enterprise, seated in the heart of Swiss alps. As an innovative company we are determined to succeed and differentiate ourselves in the highly competitive and growing luxury fine food market worldwide. We are socially and ecologically conscientious of everything we do. Our approach is led by sustainability. Caviar is about trust. ZwyerCaviar comes from a sustainable controlled and responsible aqua farming environment and meets the highest health and quality standards in the world. A high priority is given to the protection and conservation of the sturgeon species in the wild. The sturgeons of ZwyerCaviar live in an untouched natural reserve, far from civilization and pollution. ZwyerCaviar is a clima-neutral company and proud member of the World Sturgoen Conservation Society eV.

Apart from the corporate website there is a blog named Caviarist you may want to visit, which is a mix between a corporate (of ZwyerCaviar LLC) and a privat (Roger Zwyer) blog.

Aller Aqua GroupAller Aqua Group:  With more than 40 years in the sector, Aller Aqua is one of the most experienced suppliers of fish feed for freshwater and saltwater species.
Aller Aqua has a wide range of fish feed for freshwater and saltwater fish  for example fish feed for carp, catfish, rainbow trout, cod, turbot, rockfish, salmon, seabass, seabream and sturgeon.

All our fish feed products are produced by means of extrusion. The fish feed must cover the basic metabolism of the fish and ensure healthy growth. In order to meet these requirements the fish feed composition must meet all needs for nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Aller Aqua fish feed meet all these requirements and have been adapted to various sizes of fish and feeding strategies. The feed have been developed in cooperation with customers and undergo continuous tests, in selected test stations and fish farms.
Fish feed from Aller Aqua are produced at our factories in Denmark, Poland and Germany.

Fish Farm Giaveri RodolfoThe Fish Farm Giaveri Rodolfo  was created in 1979 as an eel farm. Thanks to realization of an efficient system of modern aquaculture, with an advanced plant, it has become the leader in this field among the top European fish farms. For almost 30 years the focus of the farms eel production has been to satisfy traditional kitchen requests in the South of our Peninsula and Sardinia, while trade in the foreign market has been mainly in smoked eel. Furthermore, already in the early 80s, the breeding was diversified introducing alternative species as Carps, Tenches and especially the Sturgeon. At the beginning, bred for sport fishing and then for its meat, it became the new and real protagonist of Giaveri production. Sturgeon inspires a lot of interest for the high quality of its resulting caviar also covering a particular role for variety of exemplars of Acipenser which are present in the plant.


Mottra CaviarMOTTRA Ltd  are the purveyors of exceptional quality farmed black caviar from Latvia. Established in 2002 and founded by a group of Russian and Latvian caviar experts, MOTTRA combines a new environmental and scientific approach resulting in the production of the purest CITES certified caviar that will delight the most discerning connoisseur.

Mottra produces Osetra (Acipenser baerii) and Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) caviar all year long, no matter what the season, due to the Mottra caviar pools being totally enclosed and insulated under carefully controlled temperatures using unique technology. This allows Mottra to be in full control of the process of caviar ripeness as the water at the farm is not susceptible to climate change and the caviar can be collected when it is at its best. Mottra does not use any preservatives, chemical or medical additions to the fish nor to the caviar; only salt is added. The caviar is malossol, grain-to-grain. Unlike many farms, the Mottra sturgeon are "stripped" of their eggs and are allowed to mature rather than being culled, as for each year that the fish lives the superior the quality, and thus all round caviar experience.

Tropenhaus FrutigenThe Tropenhaus Frutigen  represents a new tourist attraction in the Bernese Oberland. 100 litres of mountain water flows out of the Ltschberg Base Railway Tunnel every second. This heat energy is put to good use in the Tropenhaus: Fish and plants that love a warm climate are cultivated in the extensive facility, which is open to the public, and the Tropenhaus has around 80 employees from the local area. The facility is run by the Tropenhaus Frutigen AG, with Hans Peter Schwarz as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Tropenhaus Frutigen is an attractive excursion destination for both individuals and groups. Visitors experience at first hand how the waste heat from the Ltschberg Base Tunnel is made use of: Exotic plants thrive in the Tropenhaus, while heat-loving fish swim about in the large basins. The food that is produced on-site comes fresh onto the tables of the operations own restaurants. The Tropenhaus is also a suitable location for events of all kinds, such as wedding receptions, company events or meetings. A wide range of tourist attractions are also available in the immediate vicinity.

TU Berlin Department of Ecological Impact Research and EcotoxicologyBerlin Institute of Technology (BIT) Department Ecological Impact Research and Ecotoxicology  Research for a Sustainable Future of our Ecosystems: Our research line in the field of ecological impact research and ecotoxicology aims to understand changes in an ecosystem from molecule, cells, organisms up to population effects and landscape structure. Within this goal the aquatic-terrestrial connectivity is one of the main back bones. Beside anthropogenic caused changes, we are investigating natural compounds, such as cyanobacterial toxins, which also cuase changes in an ecosystem.

A sustainable protection of our ecosystems can only be achieved, if single ecosystem function are investigated in order to help achieving the goal to protect the ecosystems.

Fischzucht Rh?nforelle GmbH & Co. KGFischzucht Rhnforelle  is among the pioneers of sturgeon farming in Germany. In 1990 Peter Gross imported the first thousand small Siberian sturgeon juveniles from Konakowo (Volga River) to Gersfeld (Germany). Since than, he gradually converted the former trout farm into a sturgeon farm. Today, the Siberian sturgeon is reproduced year round and fertilized eggs are exported world-wide, including to the former origin in Russia. Today, juvenile production includes the highly endangered species Huso huso.
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